> DolHOTmites < : Illustrating change. 

The idea for this project was born from a reflection on the iconic beauty of mountains in general, and of the Dolomites in particular, a unique natural heritage in the world, loved and immortalized by millions of people every year. These extraordinary landscapes, in addition to being essential destinations for mountain lovers, have become true social “hotspots”, symbolic places where nature meets the eye of the camera and the collective imagination. But if “hotspot” means hot places in terms of attention and fame, the concept of heat today takes on a much more literal and disturbing meaning: that of rising temperatures, which threatens the fragility of these environments.

This is where “DolHOTmites” was born, an illustrated project that aims to raise awareness of the consequences of climate change through a powerful and evocative visual language.

This 2025 calendar is made up of 12 illustrations, each dedicated to one of the most famous views of the Dolomites. These places, famous for their majesty, are reinterpreted with an overlay of warm orange tones, simulating hypothetical heat waves that deform the air and visual perception. This effect is not only an aesthetic appeal, but a direct message: even the most resistant beauty risks becoming unrecognizable in the face of the climate crisis.


This project was conceived and produced by Tipografia Sartore , graphically designed by Freskiz Comunicate and illustrated by Andrea Bettega.

How was it to design and follow the printing session of this project? Each illustration was hand-sketched and designed for the vertical format of the calendar. Two specific Pantone inks were chosen for printing to create a level of overlay aimed at making the observer perceive a visual distortion, as if hit by a heat wave. Watch the making of video!